14070 Proton Road Suite 100 LB 9 Dallas, TX 75244

NCSPA Quality Program

NCSPA » NCSPA Quality Program


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certification Program Participation

Join The Program

We have supplier/fabricator members all over the U.S.!  If you would like to join please contact Mike McGough via email at [email protected].

Program Requirements

For full program requirements please click here.

Fee Schedule

Please click here to view a copy of our Fee Schedule.

Certification Standard

To view a copy of the Certification Standard for this program please click here.

Why Choose The NCSPA Program?

The National Corrugated Steel Pipe Association (NCSPA) has created a corrugated metal pipe (CMP) quality assurance (QA) certification program to address the needs of State DOTs & other specifiers. This program will provide a robust system of quality assurance & quality control checks that include all critical aspects of producing reliable, high quality drainage products you can depend on. The program’s scope addresses the entire supply chain – including the raw materials supplied by manufacturing mills & corrugated metal pipe & arch producing facilities adherence to established quality manufacturing processes.  Additionally, this program will provide an online system to provide access to documents & reports for State DOTs along with the suppliers & manufacturers that participate in the program.

The NCSPA has provided guidance to manufacturers, specifiers & installers of corrugated metal pipe for over 60 years. We take pride in our mission to ensure that the materials and products our members supply conform to specification in order perform to the expectations of our most important end users including – State DOTs, US Army Corp. of Engineers, county and other local governments.  And now, the NCSPA has partnered with Quality Management Company, LLC (QMC)  to bring you a focused & efficient program that encompasses the complete production cycle.
To assist you with your decision we have created 2 very informational videos.  The first video allows you to see, in detail, how our quality program works to ensure all of our members adhere to our strict quality standards.  The second video outlines the similarities and differences in both the NCSPA and NTPEP programs.

You can learn more about QMC by visiting their sites at QMConline.org/.

Program Benefits

The NCSPA Quality Program is modeled after the American Institute of Steel Construction’s (AISC) Certified Building Fabricator Program. The AISC program is recognized by DOTs across the United States as well as internationally & has a scope containing multiple programs, including critical steel bridge fabrication.

QMC, our independent partner & subject matter expert, has provided decades of manufacturing auditing experience in the steel industry including the management document reviews & certification audits. Currently, QMC performs 1,600 to 1,800 audits per year with 30+ years of history.

The NCSPA Quality Program will require certification of the steel mills to ensure quality assurance activities are part of their everyday processes within the day to day operations. Mill certifications have been used reliably by State DOTS for decades. This program will ensure there is no need for additional costly & time-consuming material tests.

The Stage 1 (document approval) & Stage 2 (on-site audit) roll out of the NCSPA Quality Program will ensure broader, consistent & more immediate participation of CSP industry companies. Additionally, online reporting will be available for the states & the industry to list approved/certified companies.

By leveraging the experience & knowledge from QMC & AISC as models to the NCSPA Quality Program, this program will provide consistent results between CMP raw materials providers & fabricators. This provides a high level of dependable knowledge of manufacturing processes within the steel industry.

QMC’s unparalleled history & credibility will provide independent & unbiased 3rd party auditing of CSP manufacturing facilities.

When responding to audit findings, QMC’s promptness allows manufacturers to be certified faster than other programs. QMC provides very quick turnaround when reviewing corrective actions & when providing authorization to participants should changes be required to ensure quality product is delivered to end users. QMC’s team of experienced auditors are very familiar with steel fabrication & manufacturing – resulting in wider and more flexible certification timelines.

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