14070 Proton Road Suite 100 LB 9 Dallas, TX 75244

CSP LRFD HOC Calculator

NCSPA » Resources » Calculators, Charts & Tools » CSP LRFD HOC Calculator

Pipe Selection






Load Type

Vehicle 1 icon-moreEvaluate both the design truck and the design tandem to determine which configuration produces the maximum load.
Vehicle 2 icon-moreEvaluate both the design truck and the design tandem to determine which configuration produces the maximum load.

Load Resistance Factor

γEV icon-moreload factor for vertical pressure from dead load of earth fill
m icon-moresingle-lane multiple presence factor
γLL icon-moreload factor for live load
Φw icon-moreload factor for vertical pressure from dead load of earth fill
ηEV icon-morevertical earth pressure load modifier


ηLL icon-moreload modifier as they apply to live loads on culverts
k icon-moresoil stiffness factor


Maximum Height of Cover


Minimum Height of Cover icon-moreMinimum covers are measured from the top of the pipe to the bottom of a flexible pavement structure or to the top of a rigid pavement structure. Minimum covers must be maintained in unpaved traffic areas.


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