Environmental Calculator

Environmental Calculator

  • Please enter a number greater than or equal to 0.
  •  CSPRCP% Difference
    Global Warming CO2 (Tonnes)
  • Global Warming CO2 (Tons)
  • Total Primary Energy (Megajoules)
  • Equivalent - kilometers driven
    Equivalent - miles driven
    Equivalent - kilowatt-hours of electricity
    Equivalent - # of home electricity use per year
    Equivalent - smartphones charged
    Fresh Water (Liters)
  • Fresh Water (Gallons)
  • References: CSPI Environmental Product Declaration - SCS-EPD-05002, CCPPA EPD - ASTM Certified, AGECO LCA of CSP vs RCP (Nov 2020)

    EPA calculations from: https://www.epa.gov/energy/greenhouse-gases-equivalencies-calculator-calculations-and-references

    Note: RCP values above 3000mm cannot be determined, so the values for 3000mm have been used in place of 3300mm and 3600mm.