System Specifications
*Feet cannot be bigger than inches
Inlet Elevation*
(ft & in)
Outlet or Infiltration Bed Elevation*
(ft & in)
Type of System (Detention or Retention)
Void = Void Ratio
V(det) = Volume required for detention
Controlling Dimensions for System Layout
L(trench) = Trench Length
Nheader = Number of Headers
t = Bedding Thickness
d = Distance of trench sidewall (1.5’ typical)

Maximum Pipe Diameter
*System size could be increased by size of inlet pipe
Results - Detention Calculations Width Controls
Results - Detention Calculations Length Controls
Total Length of Pipe required for detention system
Surface Bed Area for a detention system
Actual length of pipe less excavation & width of header = L(pipe)
Estimated number of Laterals
Please enter the number of laterals to use
Actual width of manifold
Actual width of system
Actual length of system
Total Storage Volume Provided
Does this system meet detention volume and width dimension requirements?
Results - Retention Calculations Width Controls
Results - Retention Calculations Length Controls
Total Length of Pipe required for retention system
Surface Bed Area for a retention system
Actual length of pipe less excavation & width of header = L(pipe)
Storage Capacity for the retention system
Estimated number of Laterals
Please enter the number of laterals to use
Actual width of manifold
Actual width of system
Actual length of system
Total Storage Volume Provided
Does this system meet detention volume and width dimension requirements?