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2021 Project of the Year Winner – Rehabilitation: Steel Flume Bridge

NCSPA » NCSPA E-News » 2021 Project of the Year Winner – Rehabilitation: Steel Flume Bridge

By: TrueNorth Steel

Irrigation is serious business to farmers and ranchers in the arid western U.S.. Irrigation water loss means crop and livestock losses. The Hanover – OZ Irrigation District contacted TrueNorth Steel for a solution to replacing their over 100 year old flume and they had to have it in place prior to opening irrigation water into their system. They also did not want any supports impacting the stream that the flume spans.  TrueNorth Steel worked with the National Resources Conservation Service and provided the design of an irrigation flume bridge comprised of half round 84″ span corrugated annular pipe sections and a steel truss bridge. Each half round section was fully welded to the adjoining section to minimize water loss. The system was delivered in two completed sections that were joined in the field and set in place as one. The flume bridge was supported on each end by prefabricated steel sills. When the water was turned on the system performed perfectly. Happy farmers and ranchers!

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