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2024 Project of the year – resiliency: BF 84211 Stoney Nakoda Exshaw Wildlife Arch

NCSPA » NCSPA E-News » 2024 Project of the year – resiliency: BF 84211 Stoney Nakoda Exshaw Wildlife Arch
By: Atlantic Industries Limited (AIL)
animal crossing in Western Canada - 2024 NCSPA Project of the Year Winner - Resiliency

The BF 84211 project is a ground breaking new animal overpass by Atlantic Industries Limited and is situated in the heart of Western Canada. This innovative project was designed with a dual purpose: to drastically reduce the number of wildlife-vehicle collisions and to preserve the area’s stunning natural beauty. This ambitious project is a testament to the growing awareness of the importance of harmonizing infrastructure development with environmental conservation.

Spanning an impressive 78.76 feet, the overpass consists of two 285-foot long structures made from corrugated steel. These structures are not only the largest of their kind in Western Canada but also showcase an aesthetically pleasing design that sets them apart from traditional overpasses. Instead of the typical square ends, these structures feature reinforced bevels and an elegant concrete collar, allowing them to blend seamlessly into the breathtaking backdrop of the Rocky Mountains.

animal crossing in Western Canada - 2024 NCSPA Project of the Year Winner - Resiliency

Furthermore, the BF 84211 project holds the distinction of being the first animal overpass constructed outside of a National Park in Western Canada. This is a significant milestone, as it addresses the needs of both wildlife and humans along a busy migratory corridor that sees over 24,000 vehicles pass through daily. To ensure the safety of both animals and motorists, the project includes 8 miles of specially designed fencing and 22 strategically placed “jump-outs.” These jump-outs act as escape routes, allowing animals to safely navigate away from the busy roadway and continue their natural migration patterns.

The decision to construct this overpass was not taken lightly. In 2018, a feasibility study was conducted to assess the impact of wildlife-vehicle collisions in the area. The results were alarming, with motorists reporting claims ranging from $25,000 to $150,000 due to collisions with animals. This overpass is expected to significantly reduce these incidents, saving both lives and money.

animal crossing in Western Canada - 2024 NCSPA Project of the Year Winner - Resiliency

As our world continues to develop and expand, it’s imperative that we prioritize sustainable infrastructure solutions that respect the delicate balance of our ecosystems. The BF 84211 project serves as an inspiring example of how engineering and environmental stewardship can work hand in hand. By incorporating innovative design elements and prioritizing the needs of both wildlife and humans, this project has set a new standard for infrastructure development in the region.

Construction on the BF 84211 project began in the spring of 2023, and it is projected to be completed in the summer of 2024. Upon completion, it will not only serve as a vital corridor for wildlife but also stand as a symbol of our commitment to building a future where both humans and nature can thrive.

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