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Commerce Boulevard: An Economical, Sustainable CSP Plate Solution

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csp plate corrugated structural steel plateCommerce Boulevard was designed as a new road servicing a development project that included a commercial area, hospital, and a future residential area in Canton, Georgia. While planning the project, a local private developer was faced with the dilemma of expanding access for the road while still meeting environmental restrictions. The project required an elaborate bridge replacement, as the road was being built over an existing creek. However, it was also critical that the project not disturb the natural shape of the land.

csp plate corrugated structural steel plate sustainable csp plateTo meet the specific job demands, North Georgia Concrete worked with NCSPA Member Big R Bridge to develop an efficient, yet economical, solution. The project team decided to utilize corrugated structural steel plate for the design.

Structural plate structures are made of corrugated steel sections bolted together to form the required shape. (The corrugated sections are commonly referred to as ‘plates.’) Bridges made of structural steel plate are ideal for grade separations or hydraulic applications, and in most cases are typically less expensive and faster to install.

The Commerce Boulevard project included a 420′ bottomless structural plate crossing. The design included seven elbows to follow the path of the winding creek under the new roadway.

The Boulevard, a four-lane parkway with sidewalks, was required to have a 40′ cover depth, which added to the culvert length requirements. The sections of the structure had a span of 20′ and a rise of 10′ , with 2:1 bevel at each end.

By utilizing a structural plate arch design, instead of a traditional concrete structure, the project team was able to save the owner thousands of dollars in construction costs. By keeping the boulevard safely outside of the creek banks and not disturbing the waterway, the project team was also able to save the owner money in environmental impact fees.

This project is another example that demonstrates the unsurpassed strength and flexibility of corrugated steel pipe products and their ability to provide cost effective solutions to any design challenge!

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