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Project Spotlight: Ciocazeaua Bridge

NCSPA » NCSPA E-News » Project Spotlight: Ciocazeaua Bridge

By: ViaCon Romania

The Ciocazeaua Bridge was built last year in the touristic area of Gorj County, Romania, on a county road that crosses through the Ciocazeaua forest. Not only was this road built to improve tourism, but to also help keep the environment and natural habitats safe.

buried bridge protected environment structural plateThe area where the bridge was built is in Crasna, where altitudes can reach between 1640 ft and 3937 ft. The uniqueness and value of the natural geological phenomena  combined with its scientific value determined that the area was to be included in the category of protected land.  In order to achieve the objective of both of the investors and the government, no demolition or diversion was able to take place.  ViaCon Romania proposed a corrugated steel structure to the local authorities as an alternative to the standard concrete structure so as to reduce any disruptions to the surrounding environment and allow installation to happen quickly.

The bridge structure consisted of 3 distinct parts: the foundation, the actual structure and the connections with the embankments. The foundation is made of 30 cm thick ballast and is the connecting element of the bridge, over which lies the 10 cm thick layer of sand.  A light, flexible structure was placed on a gabion mattress which integrated harmoniously with the natural environment.  The entire project was a success and all parties involved were over joyed at the outcome of the new bridge structure.buried bridge protected environment structural plate

Project Specs:

SPAN = 13.2874 Ft
RISE = 8.267717 Ft
Bottom LENGTH = 42.6509 Ft
Top LENGTH = 27.26378 Ft



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