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Project Spotlight: Jacob’s Ladder SWMS

NCSPA » NCSPA E-News » Project Spotlight: Jacob’s Ladder SWMS

By: Southeast Culvert, Inc

storm water management system swms aluminized sand filter underground detention system Georgia Storm Water Management ManualIn 2016, the Atlanta Regional Council revised the Georgia Storm Water Management Manual to incorporate LID (Low Impact Development) water quality methods. Because of this new revision to the manual Jacob’s Ladder, a non-profit organization that cares for and supports families with children that suffer from neurological disorders, had to make some changes to their SWMS. The engineer of record for this project, AEC, Inc. of Roswell, GA approached Southeast Culvert about designing the most cost effective detention facilities since cost was a premium.

During the site investigation it was found that half of the site had acceptable percolation rates where as the other half had none – one of the down falls of a LID method in clay soils. On the front catchment, SEC designed a 42” perforated, aluminized infiltration system that would return the storm water to the soils. On the back catchment, an 84” aluminized sand filter was incorporated with a 72” underground detention system in order to achieve 80% TSS removal. The CSP options were by far the most cost effective & the flexibility of the product allowed AEC & SEC to accomplish multiple functions.

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