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Project Spotlight: Ontario Ranch Commerce Center

NCSPA » NCSPA E-News » Project Spotlight: Ontario Ranch Commerce Center
By: Pacific Corrugated Pipe Company


Pacific Corrugated Pipe Company was contacted in early September 2022 to participate in a meaningful project located in Ontario, CA. This was an ideal opportunity for us as this city borders the location of our Fontana plant.

The project consisted of five underground retention systems for a new business center being constructed by Kana Pipeline of Riverside, CA. This project was a bit unique in that all five systems consisted of poly-coated 96” corrugated steel pipe produced using 16 gage steel that was fully perforated. Further, each system had multiple maintenance holes and inlet/outlet stubs. To make matters even more challenging, the customer was being pushed by the developer to get this portion of the project in the ground as soon as possible.

Our Fontana plant was already booked with several projects in front of this project but because we had the 80+ ton of material in stock, we wanted to find a way to produce. After a few internal meetings we created a plan to slot this project in quickly and only needed to perforate the material to start production. After we communicated our new production plan to Kana Pipeline we planned a November date for first production with completion of the material in a couple months. Of course, working around the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays presented some challenges but we orchestrated a production plan and were formally awarded this project.

The project consisted of 2,318 lineal feet of 96” fully perforated CSP 16 gage polymer-coated material using a 5×1 corrugation pattern. Also, there were a significant amount of maintenance holes, twenty-seven to be exact, to produce. This pipe was completed with the installation of ladders and traffic rated maintenance lids. It took 50 truckloads to transfer this material to its final project destination just miles down the road.

While utilizing a concrete structure could have been a solution, our ability to produce pipe quickly along with our pricing and ease of installation, prevented that possibility from being considered. Now, had Mother Nature cooperated, the project would have been completed as planned. However, heavy flooding on the project site created some site delays. The good news was we had the pipe available upon their beckon call and ultimately delivered our part of the project as it was required.

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