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Southwestern Illinois College Parking Lot Expansion – 2013 Steel Pipe and Pipe Arch Project of the Year

NCSPA » NCSPA E-News » Southwestern Illinois College Parking Lot Expansion – 2013 Steel Pipe and Pipe Arch Project of the Year

By: Metal Culverts

When Southwestern Illinois College, located in Belleville, IL, expanded its campus with the addition of a Liberal Arts Complex, a parking lot was needed on land across from a drainage ditch that split the property.

The culvert solution from Metal Culverts Inc. was an 80-foot run of 8 gauge, polymer-coated, arched pipe with a 137-inch span and a 87-inch rise.

The consultant wanted a product that met the state of Illinois specification as well as provided a 100-year service life.

Visit Metal Culverts at their website for more information.

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