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2023 Project of the Year – Going Green: Spelman College Center

NCSPA » NCSPA E-News » 2023 Project of the Year – Going Green: Spelman College Center
By: Southeast Culvert, Inc.

Spelman College is a historic run-off reduction ally black (HBCU) liberal arts college for women in Atlanta. It is located in one of the oldest and most densely developed area of the city. Spelman is a private institute so funding for facilities has been lacking for many years. A recent influx has allowed for some new development.

run-off reduction

The city of Atlanta requires all new site development to incorporate run-off reduction which means that the first 1″ of rain fall must be captured and held onsite. This can be accomplished by reuse, infiltration or combination of that volume. The site at Spelman is incredibly confined so CMP systems were chosen in order to work with site constraints. There were also old, existing utilities that had to be worked around.

run-off reduction

The design incorporates a cistern system for site irrigation & an infiltration system. Both of the systems are designed as 84″, 14 gage, 5″ x 1″ aluminized steel type 2 pipe. The initial 1″ of run off flows into the cistern system where it is held to irrigate greenspace around the new facility. Once the cistern is full the the remaining volume will overflow from the pump housing to the infiltration system where it is returned to the ground water.

This shows the flexibility of the products that we manufacture. The initial intake is a leak resistant storage tank for stormwater reuse. The backside of the design is the same size, diameter, gage and coating but designed for the complete opposite in that it allows the water to infiltrate back into the surrounding soil. The duplicity of CSP gives the designer the ability to create two completely different systems using the same product.

run-off reduction

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