By: TrueNorth Steel
Culvert Replacement for Critical Access Road

White Rock Oil & Gas faced a challenge when considering a culvert replacement in the Badlands of North Dakota. They needed to replace failing drainage culverts on a vital oil well access road. These culverts, installed over 40 years ago, were located in the Badlands of North Dakota. Water flow is typically minimal, but heavy rain can turn the creek into a raging river. This could wash out the culvert and cut off access to the well, posing a potential emergency risk.
Addressing High Corrosion
The project site is in a Zone 4 resistivity area, the highest corrosion zone in the state. The original pipe, only galvanized-coated, was meant for Zones 1 and 2. It surprisingly lasted 40 years in Zone 4, even though galvanized-coated pipe typically lasts 40-50 years in the correct soils. To combat this, TrueNorth Steel recommended T2 coating for the new pipe. This coating has a minimum service life of 75 years and can handle higher soil corrosion.

Choosing the Best Solution
After carefully evaluating their options, White Rock Oil & Gas opted for corrugated metal pipe over reinforced concrete for their culvert replacement. This decision was driven by several factors, including the corrugated metal pipe’s superior longevity, cost-effectiveness, and shorter lead time. Additionally, TrueNorth Steel provided half headwalls to secure the culverts in place, a crucial feature that the original culverts lacked.

A Long-Term Solution
In conclusion, this culvert replacement project in the Badlands of North Dakota achieved more than simply addressing an immediate problem. By choosing a durable solution and incorporating essential features like headwalls, White Rock Oil & Gas has made a proactive investment in the long-term accessibility and safety of their oil well access road. This forward-thinking approach will undoubtedly save the company both time and money in the years to come, ensuring uninterrupted operations even in the face of challenging weather conditions.
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