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Project Spotlight: Caltrans – Trinity Culvert Drainage Repairs

NCSPA » NCSPA E-News » Project Spotlight: Caltrans – Trinity Culvert Drainage Repairs
By: Pacific Corrugated Pipe Co.

Trinity County, California is one of the most scenic and “natural counties” in all of California.drainage system mountain culvert  On the Trinity County website they boast, “Opportunities for satisfying outdoor vacations and activities are limited only by your own imagination. Largely underdeveloped, the area offers conveniences and creature comforts in a natural environment without the hustle and hassle of more structured recreational communities.”

So, when our Sacramento facility was challenged to create a drainage system that would blend into the surrounding area of a small DOT project along Highway 299, we knew exactly what to do. While the project itself was relatively simplistic- 875 feet of 18” and 24” CMP- the challenge was determining what type of coating to use that would allow for our shiny galvanized pipe to blend in the natural surroundings.

drainage system mountain culvert

The Caltrans Trinity Drainage Project consisted of repairing and installing 18 new drainage locations. This would be accomplished using the two sizes of pipe along with the supporting bands and fittings. There was also a section of arched pipe needed to complete the project. A special process was used to “age” the pipe. This process was completed by an outside resource that utilizes this aging technology on many materials including: rocks, concrete and steel.

drainage system mountain culvert

According to our outside suppliers website, “The natural “earthy” brown color comes from the natural chemical reaction between our product and natures element of heat.” It was the perfect coating solution to accomplish what was asked of us and the project was completed without a hitch.

Creative solutions that drive positive results, all brought to you by corrugated metal pipe and Pacific Corrugated Pipe Company.

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