14070 Proton Road Suite 100 LB 9 Dallas, TX 75244

Fish Passage Solutions

NCSPA » Fish Passage Solutions

Routing vehicular traffic over streams and rivers presents a unique problem to engineers. Beneath the span, they need to create an environment that is as close as possible to nature to ease the passage of fish.

The design must overcome the problems of velocity of the water, insufficient depth and smoothness of the streambed.

By using CSP, the streambed can be left intact with natural rock and gravel. Adding baffles can further improve the habitat and its friendliness to fish.

CSP’s advantages in these applications include providing the strength of steel, speed of installation, minimal disturbance and maintenance requirements, the durability of coatings and the low cost achieved by these qualities.

Elimination of Upstream Migration Barriers

fish passage solution CSP baffles CSP culverts

Wild salmon and sea-run trout need to migrate upstream to their spawning grounds. Too often, this is a challenge. Sometimes the fish are not able to complete the trip, or if they are, they are too exhausted to spawn. In either case, future populations are decreased and a vital resource is diminished.

Fabricated Fish Baffles

Major barriers to the passage of the fish can be eliminated by using CSP baffles designed for replacement structures or to retrofit existing CSP culverts. Pre-fabricated baffles include galvanized, epoxy coated, and shop welded and bolted designs.

Natural Stream Bottom Condition Preservation and Simulation

fishpassagesolutions_page_3.jpgCSP structures permit the easiest method of maintaining natural, fish-friendly conditions. This can be accomplished with standard shapes and sizes which span the waterway or by partially burying the barrel.

Structural Plate, Box Culverts and Low-Profile Arches

Structural plate provides fish passage designers a variety of options to maintain a natural stream bed and minimize disturbance. With a variety of shapes and sizes, these larger structures have a long history of reliability, accepted design practices and speed of installation. Box culverts and low-profile arches provide wide-span, low-rise options in a range of standard sizes. All of these structures meet HS20 and HS25 live loads.

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