14070 Proton Road Suite 100 LB 9 Dallas, TX 75244

Project Spotlight: Sykeston Park Road

NCSPA » NCSPA E-News » Project Spotlight: Sykeston Park Road

By: TrueNorth Steel

structural plate pipe large diameter structural plate pipe

After extensive spring flooding, ice damage and severe erosion, access to the Sykeston, North Dakota City Park was extremely limited.  After assessing the situation FEMA was forced to replace the existing structure with a new 15’ diameter structural plate pipe.

structural plate pipe large diameter structural plate pipe

The contractor who was selected for the job had no experience with assembling a structural plate pipe.  To assist the contractor with the installation, the plate was assembled in a staging that was prepared with a solid subgrade.  TrueNorth Steel staff were able to assist the contractor with plate layout and, with the help of the TNS team, the plate pipe was built in no time at all.  Setting the plate in place and backfilling went very well with no issues.

structural plate pipe large diameter structural plate pipe

For more information about this project visit TNS at their website here.

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