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Project Spotlight: Skunk Creek Crossing

NCSPA » NCSPA E-News » Project Spotlight: Skunk Creek Crossing

by: TrueNorth Steel

The North Dakota Department of Transportation had a problem with joint separation and spalling concrete in a 10’ x 8’ cast-in-place reinforced concrete box culvert built in 1934, and extended in 1960.

To remove and replace the concrete box would have been time consuming and expensive.

With 30 feet of fill over the crossing closing the highway down for an extended period of time was not the desire option.

There was nearly 2’ of drop in the 150’ run of CIP RCBC, and the floor was not flat to slide the liner in.

To satisfy the hydraulics of the crossing the DOT wanted to use spiral rib pipe, along with aluminized type ll coated steel to extend the service life for an additional 75 – 100 years.

Grout plugs, skid plate and positioning rods were used get the pipe in place and hold it there for the grouting process.

For more information on this project contact Mike McGough at [email protected].  You can also contact TrueNorth by visiting their site here.

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